Tag Archives: macromolecule graphic organizer

Macromolecules Worksheet


In our Full Biology Curriculum, we use a variety of macromolecules worksheets. One of the macromolecule worksheets that help the students organize the information is our macromolecule graphic organizer. Get  the Macromolecule Worksheet here.macromolecule worksheet

In this macromolecule worksheet students identify the elements, monomer, function and complete a sketch of each macromolecule.

After completing this macromolecule worksheet students are always referring back to it. It offers them a way to organize their thoughts and have a quick reference sheet.

My students love practicing the macromolecules using the macromolecule boxing activity. Check out my post about it here!

Here is a video showing the macromolecule boxes.

Get your Macromolecule Boxes and Two Weeks of Lessons Here!



Check this out too!

Students complete a fun macromolecule sidewalk chalk activity. It certainly beats having them create a poster.

Students love this activity. They just follow our macromolecule sidewalk chalk handout and are able to make excellent drawings. You can also grade it quickly and easily with our included rubric!

Macromolecule Activity

A Real “Gallery Walk”

In our Full Biology Curriculum, after students master the macromolecules they examine the stomach contents of a murder victim!

Biology Lesson Plans

If you like these activities and the macromolecule worksheet you will love or Full Biology Curriculum. It includes tons of awesome activities that are practical for the classroom.

Our lessons are written by award winning teachers and have every single day of your Biology class planned out and waiting for you.

Every detail of every day is done for you!


Get 10 Days of Free Lessons and the Macromolecule Boxes Here!


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Macromolecule Graphic Organizer

Macromolecule Graphic Organizer

One of my favorite units to teach is on macromolecules. When I introduce this topic I use this macromolecule graphic organizer to help students organize the information.

Click Here to Get your Macromolecule Graphic Organizer
Click Here to Get your Macromolecule Graphic Organizer


After introducing this concept I use one of my hands-on biochemistry boxing activities that I created and have for sale on Teachers Pay Teacher (4 Star rating!). I have several different activities that I use with the lesson. You can get the lesson plan (and others) and printable boxes free by signing up here. You will be emailed a link to the biochemistry boxing activity lesson plan and receive weekly post updates . The lesson plan includes:
-5 printable boxes and instructions for 3 games/activities.
-Score Cards
-Biochemistry Boxing Answer Key
-Macromolecule organizer – graphic organizer.
-4 exit tickets
-detailed lesson plans for 5-7 (50 min classes) days of instruction.

Boxing Collage 2


You will also get access to my printable cell organelle boxing activity and my lab report rubric and guide. Enjoy!