Tag Archives: scientific method labs

Two Weeks of Biology Lesson Plans for Experimental Design

Deciding how you will start the year off is always a challenge. I choose to start with experimental design for several reasons.

First, it allows me to establish my procedures  and expectations for the lab  and the classroom right away.

Next, starting with experimental design allows me to easily engage my students in science.  I can grab their attention and then dive further into the content.

Finally, starting with experimental design helps me see my students’ understanding of science. With this knowledge, I can quickly make adjustments to my instruction to better accommodate my students.

I hope you enjoy these free lessons!

In these two weeks of Biology Experimental Design Lesson Plans your students will:





  • Design and carry out their own experiment.
  • Practice making observations
  • Write Hypotheses
  • Write Procedures
  • Identifying independent and dependent variables.
  • Choose the proper equipment
  • Create a Lab Report

You can get these lesson plans and more emailed directly to your inbox.  Download them below.


If you need a Full Biology Curriculum you can learn more here.



Mealworm Inquiry Lab

 Mealworm Inquiry Lab

This week my students have been working on the Mealworm Inquiry Lab. In this lab, students apply everything they have learned about experimental design by creating their own experiment using mealworms (Superworms actually).


Superworms can be purchased at the local pet store and are great for this activity. The Superworms do not jump on the kids and they move slow enough to easily control.

They also have an interesting life cycle that the students learn about in their research.  In this inquiry lab, students make observations, conduct research, develop a question, identify variables, create a hypothesis, create procedures,  create choice chambers for their experiment, collect data, analyse data and draw a conclusion based on their results.


Here are some example of their set up:

Note: About 40% of the students in this class have an IEP. The experiments were not perfectly controlled but this lab offers so much opportunity to address their weakness through questioning.














I have the students create a lab report when they are finished using my lab report rubric and guide

If you like this activity, you will love our Full Biology Curriculum. Check it out here.

Biology Curriculum